Graffeo Cravatte returns to TV with a new collaboration. Released on January 1, 2023, "The Best Days" is a 2023 comedy film directed by Edoardo Leo and Massimiliano Bruno with Edoardo Leo and Anna...
Graffeo Cravatte returns to TV with a new all-Italian collaboration with "Impero", a TV series created by Tommaso Capolicchio and Giacomo Durzi, broadcast in Italy. Corso Manni is a star in the wo...
If you are a lover of Italian comedy, you will have the chance to find many of Graffeo accessories there too. Specifically, within the comedy TV series "Vita da Carlo" which will take you into the...
GRAFFEO for “DEVILS” 2nd Season
All the elegance of Graffeo is back on TV, on Sky, with the eagerly awaited and already successful second series of: "Devils". The international financial thriller sold ans saw in 160 ...
Graffeo Cravatte returns to TV with a new collaboration entirely Made in Italy, Bla Bla Baby, a comedy genre film directed by Fausto Brizzi with Alessandro Preziosi and Matilde Gioli. Halfway betw...
Graffeo Cravatte returns to TV with a new all-Italian collaboration with "La donna per me", a Comedy/Romance film, directed by Marco Martani, with Andrea Arcangeli, Alessandra Mastronardi, Stefano...